The Antagonist, in order to bring in more money, decided that they, too, are going to release a Lunchables competitor called Lunchcraft in the next couple of weeks. This lunch snack will only have 100 calories, mostly in salt and mold, for the student body to eat and enjoy. This fun snack can be found at one store for 20 dollars a box. It comes in three types: Mold Pizza, Wet Nachos, and Turkey? Crackers.
One Exponent reporter pointed out that it is a health hazard to eat it because of the high levels of salt and the mold that seems to show up more often than not. The reporters have allegedly been forced into making these dangerous snacks.
“It is a miracle they aren’t getting sued again,” Kaz Bresnan, Editor-in-Chief of the Exponent, stated. “There is a reason Lunchables has worked, and this isn’t it.”
This is a valid question seeing how the Antagonist has tried to make both a candy bar and a sport drink in the past year. This attempt to copy Hershey and Gatorade’s success was really bad and is the main reason they didn’t get sued for copyright. However, they have been getting sued over misleading information and bad contracts with the manufacturers.
“We stand by this money grab.” Warren Peace, Idiot-in-Chief of the Antagonist stated, “It’s not like we are multimillionaires trying to sell this to children. We are just trying to sell college kids, who can totally make informed decisions on what to do with their money.”