Deerest Editer,
I think the Unitod Stateys Deapertment of Education is a stupod. y do we need a whole department dedicatd to educationg people? We have surviveded a very long thyme without schools and things where pretty good in 1775. We ran around dying of plages and hunting mammals and you know what we could go back to that Plus i can learn whatever i need to form reliable sources like X or Facebook.
And a lot of people are saying thet buy getting rid of the Depurtmont of Education it would impact class inequity and i say go for it i want to sit in the fun art classes all the time and not have to go to math classes where i asked things like 2+X=4. Letters should not be in math!!
Also people are saying it would impact the LGBTQ+ and POC community and take their rights away and i remember Kindergarten, that isn’t how the alphabet goes. Plus letters don’t have rights. They are just parts of words or grades that i get. If any letter should lose their rights it is F they are everywhere and i am tired of seeing them on my papers.
Now i hearded that the President may not have the power to cut the department because it isn’t in the constituent, which is stupid i don’t know why we trusting the stupid map from National Tresure with old words on it to tell our leaders on what they should and should do. i read on Facebook that President has about power to do what they want because God said they are incharge and honestly i believe my Uncle Barry on this He is pretty smart most of the time.
So Editor person, you should stop spreading lies about the Depurtment of Edgemucation and the President. The Edgemucation department should have died with its founder Billum Clinten. RIP King you would have loved Reese peanut butter cups.