Netflix released “Kaos,” a dark comedy featuring Greek mythos in a present-day Crete, on Aug. 29.. Jeff Goldblum’s Zeus fears that the end of the world is about to occur after seeing a wrinkle on his forehead. He lashes out on the people of Crete in hopes of defying the ancient prophecy that foretold the end of his reign as king of Olympus.
Meanwhile, three humans form intricate connections and uncover a larger conspiracy throughout the eight-episode series: Riddy (Aurora Perrineau), Ari (Leila Farzad) and Caeneus (Misia Butler).
Riddy is falling out of love with her popstar boyfriend, Orpheus. Unfortunately, she dies the day she realizes she wants to break up with him. Orpheus, who is still madly in love with Riddy, risks his life to rescue her from the Underworld.
Ari is the first-born daughter of King Minos, who feels guilty about the death of her twin brother Glaucus. King Minos is a particular favorite of the gods and is on a personal mission to defy his own prophecy. As Ari’s arc progresses, she discovers a nasty secret within the walls of her father’s labyrinth.
Caeneus is trapped in the Underworld as the Amazons murdered him and buried him without a coin. He was once a female Amazon, but after becoming a boy, he left the camp and was eventually tracked down and hunted by his own people. Now, he is stuck working as a Diver for the Underworld, helping other people move onto their next life through a process known as Renewal.
This series has a lot of pros and cons. The cast is full of extremely talented, funny actors, but some of the interpretations of the original Greek myths are very inaccurate. The overall plot is very interesting and elaborate, but the execution is clunky, especially in the later episodes.
If you are looking for a lighthearted watch with some vague Greek mythos to it, I would definitely recommend it. Rating: 6/10