Starz original series, “Black Sails” was released in 2014 and follows Long John Silver (Luke Arnold) as he transforms from a cook to the infamous pirate captain from Robert Louis “Treasure Island.”
The series is four seasons long and follows the central cast of characters during the Golden Age of piracy fighting over the Urca de Lima, the largest Spanish treasure galleon in the New World, carrying a cargo of five million pieces worth of gold.
“Black Sails” additionally features Captain James Flint (Toby Stephens), the most feared pirate in the West Indies, as he tries to keep New Providence Island – a debauched paradise teeming with pirates, prostitutes and thieves – safe in the wake of threats from British and Spanish forces.
The show is a brilliant combination of period drama and action and does an amazing job blending the fictional elements of the series to the real-life historical texts that inspired large portions of the drama.
Additionally, “Black Sails” is one of the most visually gorgeous shows released in the past decade. Every shot on the screen, whether it’s the vast seascapes, gritty island fortresses or the claustrophobic interior of a war ship, is absolutely jaw dropping.
One of the highlights of the show is its ship-to-ship combat. They are intense, well-choreographed and horrifically brutal, giving audiences a terrifying visual of the violence inherent in the privateering lifestyle.
The series is a magnificent slow burn tragedy that doesn’t shy away from depicting the brutal realities of life during the Golden Age of piracy
“Black Sails” has recently been made available for streaming on Netflix, and it is high on my recommendation list of shows to watch.
Dcweiser | Jan 4, 2025 at 4:02 pm
I’m rereading Treasure Island after watching all 4 seasons of Black Sails, and while I agree with Exponent review, I felt.the show lost its focus in the final season, ran out of steam, and had an anemic closing scene. Artistically speaking.