Last year, Michael Flanagan worked with Netflix to produce the limited series titled “Fall of the House of the Usher.” The title is taken from one of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories as this series takes several of Poe’s stories and connects them in a modern horror thriller.
This series follows the Usher family, who made billions by selling a highly addictive drug. However, fate seems to have mystically turned against them. Now, as the family is about to face a trial for all their crimes, each and every member of the Usher family and a few of their significant others are met with a dramatic death that is tied to one of Poe’s short stories.
This series is great for people who know a lot about Poe and would like to hunt for all the easter eggs but is also great for people who know very little about the famous horror writer. It is definitely more of a thriller than a horror show, but it does have its tense and scary moments.
It’s great to binge-watch on a rainy, spooky day by oneself or with some friends.
Rating: 9.5/10