Love Letter to Social Media Manager

Morgan Fuerstenberg Graphic

My dearest Chuck Beanz,

You are the most phenomenal person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I must declare my feelings for you at this time without the interference of our well-meaning but dense Circulation Manager. Since the moment that I first met you, I was struck by the passion in which you live your life. Every day that I see you is a blessing, your heart is vibrant and lovely, and you spread joy and kindness to every person that comes across your path. It has been wonderful to get to know you through the office, I have come to cherish every moment we shared together. The light that you give off merely by existing is astonishing and I love to simply exist within the rays of your brilliance. I wish you the very best of luck on your journey in life. I imagine you will do great things and hope that you have fun every step of the way. 

With all my love,

Butternut Squash