The UW-Platteville Department of Performing and Visual Arts held its 28th annual Holiday Gala, a two-night concert featuring performing groups of both vocal and instrumental, as well as community groups...
Tatsuya Endo made a biweekly manga series called Spy×Family in 2019.It quickly blew up and gained its own anime TV show and movie in 2023. Also in 2023, Spy×Family: Family Portrait came out as book by...
Football: Oct. 26 v. UW-Whitewater, W 17-10 Future Game: Nov. 2 v. UW-Stevens Point @ 1 p.m. A Men’s Soccer: Oct. 25 v. UW-Whitewater, W 1-0 Future Games: Nov. 2 v. UW-Stevens...
Alex Jones is famous for being a walking and talking meme. He has gone viral for saying conspiratorial statements such as “they are putting chemicals in the water that are turning the freaking frogs...
Dear Editor. Yes, you. You know who I am talking to. I am writing this as a formal complaint, as I have an issue with you that I’ve decided to air out in public, not following AP format, because I hate...
In a shocking turn of events that has left Antagonist readers reeling, Idiot-in-Chief Warren Peace has been fired from his position after he was caught promoting his OnlyFans content in recent editions...
you worry the paper straw around the plastic cup and think about landfills and futures without cardboard sleeves. you are worried about prion...
I found Love at 7 AM With a Good morning text and coffee made The coffee was black and bitter But it was kind and showed you cared I found...
- Censorship and Its Challenges December 14, 2021 UW-Platteville Exponent
- History of Words: Why is there a 'd' in fridge? November 22, 2021 UW-Platteville Exponent
- Pig Dig Podcast November 22, 2021 UW-Platteville Exponent
- Interview with Chancellor Dennis Shields November 4, 2021 UW-Platteville Exponent
- 9/20 Student Senate Meeting September 29, 2021 UW-Platteville Exponent
- Moose vs. Goose: The Plural Form Showdown September 15, 2021 UW-Platteville Exponent