A series of religious discussions hosted by People of the Book will cover the different religions in practice. The first forum will cover religion in daily life at 7 p.m., Feb. 19 in the Platteville East of the Markee Pioneer Student Center.
Two members from different faiths will speak about topics to begin each of the discussions. Participants can share their religious beliefs in a non-threatening environment.
After the speakers, participants will be encouraged to mingle with others from different religions. The session will end with a group discussion.
Donald Wood, Spanish professor and Jewish representative of the group, said the first discussion is the starting point for students to see how religion impacts everyday things like diet, dress codes and prayer.
The second discussion, titled “Rituals and Practices,” will take place on March 19 and will discuss the visual aspects related to different religions.
The final discussion, being held April 16, will center around holy days and religious calendars.
“This last discussion will walk us through the annual calendar of different religions and things such as holidays, feasts and celebrations,” Wood said.
Pastor Michael Short, a member of the interreligious council on campus, said he hopes these discussions will bring people together and help them gain a better perspective and understanding of different faiths.
Abulkhair Masoom, an engineering professor representing the Islamic faith, hopes to promote learning and tolerance in the Platteville community through these discussions.