What are segregated fees?

Elizabeth Kaiser graphic
According to University of Wisconsin System, “segregated fees are charges, in addition to tuition, assessed to all students for student services, activities, programs and facilities that support the mission of University of Wisconsin System institutions.”
The UW-Platteville campus contains a board for segregated fees called Segregated University Fee Allocation Commission, or SUFAC for short. SUFAC is run by the student government body and is charged with two main responsibilities: the distribution of allocable funds and reviewing with the chancellor regarding non-allocable fees charged to students. These fees go not only towards clubs, organizations and other campus programs, but also to support the cost of parking, stadium, health services, Ullsvik Center, textbooks, Children’s Center, PAC, ID systems and municipal services. The Chancellor and Wisconsin Board of Regents then set the amounts for the next academic year’s fees.
The Board of Regents consists of 18 members, 16 of whom are appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate. Of these 16 members, 14 serve, seven-year terms. Two UW-System students are appointed for two-year terms, and one of the two is a non-traditional student. The two ex officio members are the state superintendent of public instruction and the president or a designee of the Wisconsin Technical College System Board.
Before the Chancellor assigns the amount for fees, an annual budget process must be made. This takes place every academic year to give funds to campus activities for the next academic year. This will determine the amount of fee payment per student.
To figure out a set amount, they need to add up the allocations of spending that the campus clubs, organizations and other programs have requested from the school. These requested fees are called Contingency and Reserve funds. A contingency is a request up to $7,500 and requires a two-week minimum to discuss in SUFAC meetings.A request of more than $7,500 will take longer to get approved. Another two weeks of meetings are needed with Student Senate, then they are finalized by the Chancellor. In a meeting, these requests are brought up in the discussion on what requests have been made and then become action items to finalize what amount can be approved.
Once a request is approved, depending on the organization/purpose, different organizations will need different forms to complete. According to UW-Platteville’s SUFAC website the three forms are:
“Online Purchase Requisition Form: This form is used to purchase something from a company. The organization must have an invoice received from their purchasing agent. When completed, the form must be turned in to the Purchasing Office on the 2nd floor of Ullsvik Hall.
Non-Employee Reimbursement Claim Form: This form is used to reimburse an expense made by an organization member. The claimant must have the receipt attached with the form. If the claimant doesn’t have an EIN (most students won’t), they can use their SSN for identification purposes. When completed, this form can be turned in at the Accounts Payable office on the 2nd floor of Ullsvik Hall.
General Ledger Transfer Form: This form can be used on paper or with electronic verification. This form is used to verify transfers from one on-campus entity to another. Organizations will often use this form to pay for space rental. NOTE: Event Reservations will automatically complete this process if they are given an on-campus account code at the time of reservations.”