Web Exclusive: Springo

Campus Programing and Relations spring-themed bingo night had over 80 participants, with the grand prize being two Dustin Lynch tickets. Taylor Carlson, senior mechanical engineering major, walked away the lucky winner. Though not much of a bingo fan, Carlson attended last year’s bingo night but walked away empty-handed. Carlson played again this year to show support for her roommate. “I literally just posted on Facebook how much I hate bingo, so it’s kind of ironic in a way,” Carlson said. Carlson only had a few short minutes with her tickets before someone offered to purchase them from her. Carlson refused the offer of $40 for both tickets and is instead taking her roommate to the concert. The majority of the other prizes were food and snacks, and some of the other college essentials. One of the prizes won was a 12-pack of assorted snacks. The winner was Clair Tibodeau, senior social science for education major. Tibodeau’s main goal was to get the bag of assorted chips. “There was a bag of mixed chips, but I can work with snack packs,” Tibodeau said. Trisha Broihahn, junior psychology major, was one of the hosts that evening. She was pleased with how many students showed up. Broihahn said that all of the prizes that were available were purchased with money that was budgeted, including the Dustin Lynch tickets. Broihahn also said that planning was relatively easy. “[It took a] couple of weeks [to plan it], then setting up and going to the store was the most time consuming thing,” Broihahn said. The bingo night at the MPSC happens every semester but with a different theme, and plans for next semester’s bingo night are already in the works.