Iran Protesters Rage after Death by Police

Family speaks on behalf of daughter whose mistreatment by police spurred protests

Morgan Fuerstenberg graphic

Mahsa Amini, 22, died after being in Iranian Morality Police custody on Sept. 16 for wearing a head scarf incorrectly in public, breaking the strict Iranian dress code.

Amini’s death has caused a major uproar of protests in Iran because of the oppression and brutality that the Iranian people have suffered for years prior. The protests include burning headscarves and chanting “Death to the dictator” in the streets of Iran. 

According to WSJ News, Amini suffered from a coma and later died in the hospital. Her family insists that her death was caused by mistreatment from the police. Her funeral was held on Sept. 17. After the service, the protests began. 

An all-women’s university in Iran was reportedly protesting by chanting against the Iranian government and taking their headscarves off. 

Police have counteracted the protests by using tear gas, firearms with nonlethal pellets and water cannons. Recently, the people of Iran have been seen on social media trying to spread the word of their protests after authorities blocked access to the internet.

The protests in Iran have been going on for over two weeks, and the Iranian government has been trying to contain their communities. 

USA Today describes how the Iranian government is trying to control the situation, saying, “Iran’s parliamentary speaker warned Sunday that protests over the death of a young woman in police custody could destabilize the country and urged security forces to deal harshly with those he claimed endanger public order.”

In interviews conducted by NBC12 news, Iranian-Americans have been holding rallies around the nation to spread the word about their family’s mistreatment back in Iran. They described Amini’s death as “the last straw” and that they are “advocating for respect and freedom.”