SWE Hosts Annual ‘Advice from Industry’

Springtime career development event springs back from pandemic impact

Morgan Fuerstenberg graphic

The Society of Women Engineers hosted their annual spring semester Advice from Industry event on Feb. 7, during which students and corporate representatives have the opportunity to mingle in smaller group settings to network.

SWE hosts a career development event every semester: Evening with Industry in the fall semesters and Advice from Industry in the spring semesters.

The Exponent had the opportunity to interview SWE president, Carrie Lefeber, who is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Business Administration and Math. Lefeber is also on the BS to MS fast track program.

The Advice from Industry event, spanning three hours, was comprised of socialization, a panel discussion and break-out sessions with industry representatives.

“The first half-hour is basically to check-in,” Lefeber described. “The reps are in the room, everyone’s getting food and talking so it’s more of a networking, not really professional setting. I think that gets people comfortable, especially with the career fair the same week, to be able to talk to these people like they’re people and not someone who’s going to hire you or not.”

The industry representatives formed a panel whom students can engage with questions and curiosities.

“A lot of the questions were, ‘What advice would you give your college self if you were in our positions?’ and stuff along those lines. It was really fun to listen to them and their experiences, because some of them were Platteville alumni. Seeing someone go from your position to their position, I always think that’s good,” Lefeber said.

After the panel, each representative moved into a smaller room to present a small session on their own niche or topic, brushing on topics like work-life balance, what they look for on a resume and more. The event closed with some company merchandise raffles.

While the semesterly career development events are the hallmark intersection of the students and industry, SWE also provides a regular space for students to meet and get to know each other.

Lefeber explained, “I think coming into college, when you pick mechanical engineering as a freshman girl, you feel a little intimidated when you go into classes. Seeing that there was a club for women who are in STEM, that there are other girls who would go to this club, that you can meet other people who are in your degree, was really nice.”

“It is a nice support system and, honestly, SWE has offered me a lot of awesome opportunities. They have a great scholarship program that I’ve gotten a few times,” Lefeber, noted, adding that she got connected to her previous internship with Collins Aerospace through an SWE event.

The most recent SWE event was the Valentines Day event on Feb. 14, during which participants made cards for Edenbrook Nursing Home residents, made some decorations with the laser engraver, and competed in tower-building