Drip, drip, drip.
It never stops, it’s so tempting to null the dripping
But you know that you shouldn’t.
You know that you can’t safely yet.
Seen as different, always seen as different
That’s one thing that’ll certainly never change.
Wishing one body could just melt away, to have another appear.
But such thing doesn’t exist and never will.
At least not that easily
Being seen as human is such a struggle sometimes.
Contemplating a daily appearance
just to feel like you’re seen how you want to be seen
some things never change, at least not easily.
Many of us are just tired, tired of the daily fight for validation
For representation, just to merely be seen as human and as equal.
Just for some people to only ever see us as less than,
or as we may have once been.
All we want is basic human decency and respect.
Just like the rest of you,
We are human too.