Police light up the UW-Platteville campus
3rd Annual Run with the Cops 5k walk/run, funds raised go to Special Olympics Wisconsin.
Officers pose for a photo during Run with the Cops 5k run/walk 2016.
Lights were flashing but no sirens were heard as over a dozen squad cars filled the west lawn on the University of Wisconsin-Platteville campus. Soon after the squad cars pulled up firetrucks could be seen following in their wake, all in preparation for this year’s Run with the Cops 5K run/walk.
While there are many people who participate in the run, there are also those whose work is unnoticed but is essential throughout the event. Sophomore criminal justice majors Kacy Borwege and Rebecca Marchant were working at a table near the route the 5K runners took.
“This is my second-time volunteering for Run with the Cops, my first time with the Criminal Justice Association here on campus. When kids or people that really have a love for glow sticks come by we’ll give them a bracelet or [if] they want to connect them and get a necklace to glow in the dark. They would match all the cops with their [car] lights going on,” Marchant said.
Senior criminal justice major John Jenkins was also working the event and waiting for the runners.
“This is my third time and last year I was at a station where we handed out donuts. Different stations do different things: glow sticks, water, donuts,” Jenkins said.
Criminal Justice Association (CJA) worked with local law enforcement agencies to coordinate this year’s Run with the Cops event. As in previous years the run was to support the Special Olympics of Wisconsin and a total of $710 was raised according to the Special Olympics of Wisconsin website.
Aside from the 5K run/walk there were a few other small events held. Things such as the law enforcement vehicle’s display were available, which allowed children to try on SWAT gear. They were also allowed to take a tour of police cars, see what a police command center looked like, and meet with local K9 units. Later in the evening there was also a kid’s dash/obstacle course and a donut eating competition between children and officers.