Horoscopes: Where is my energy best spent?

Aries: March 21 – April 19 Four of Pentacles (reversed)
Aries, this week you should investigate yourself and find stability. Finances at this time might be tight, but keep pushing forward and good things will come. It’s okay to be selfish this week, but watch out for rash decisions.

Taurus: April 20 –May 20 Two of Wands
Taurus, it’s time for you to step out of your comfort zone and into an adventure! It’s okay to be ready for change; too much scheduling makes a Taurus feel trapped. Go out into the world even if it’s just a trip to the local store. It’s time to meet new people and see the world before you.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20 Four of Cups
What are your deepest desires? Now is the time to meditate on where you are going and who you want to be. Gemini are naturally adaptable, so find a quiet place to think and prepare for change. Shift your perspective! What are you not seeing?

Cancer: June 21 – July 22 Ten of Wands
Stop procrastinating that project! You’ve come this far, so don’t give up now. It’s time to sit down and get to work. Take your time and go step by step; no need to rush. If you go too fast, you’ll make simple mistakes and regret it later. Get to work!

Leo: July 23 – August 22 XVI. The Tower
Being naturally dramatic, remember that when a situation gets out of hand that you may need to take a step back and breathe. Sometimes your basic principles change
and it shifts your world view. This doesn’t mean you should lash out; it just means you’ve grown as a person.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22 Queen of Wands
Let go of logic and let your imagination fly. Chase your dreams and live life passionately. Challenge yourself to find your unknown talents, and never be afraid to be unapologetically you.

Libra: September 23 – October 22 XVII. The Star
This week, spend your energy on healing. Trust yourself and relax. Now is not the time to shut yourself away, but to see friends and do things you love. The small things don’t matter right now. All that matters is you.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21 Six of Wands
This is your week! Validation comes in many forms, and people are taking notice of your success. Remember to look back on your life and see how far you have come. There will always be rainy days, but keep your head up because you deserve this and more.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21 IX. The Hermit (reversed)
Beware of isolation and disconnection. While it’s okay to need solitude to think and meditate, too much alone time can lead to overthinking. Free yourself from self-inflicted binds and watch a movie with a good friend. Never forget there are people who love you and are waiting for your call.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19 Queen of Swords
Tell it as it is. As a Capricorn, you know that sometimes it’s better to be direct, honest and, when push comes to shove, blunt. Gather information and come to a clear-cut conclusion. Now is not the time to worry about how a sensitive friend may react to your words; they probably need to hear it.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18 VII. The Chariot
Your goals are in your hands this week as you are hyper- focused on the workload ahead. There will be bumps in the road, but you’ll find a way to power through. Keep your eye on the prize, ignore haters and success will be yours.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20 The Ace of Cups
Spread the love! You know that, as a Pisces, compassion comes easily. This is the time to tell people how you feel and share your heart with the world. Lend a hand to those in need and share some positivity and sunshine. You never know when someone might need it.

Tarot Deck: Mystic Mondays Tarot by Grace Duong

Bun’s horoscopes are produced after shuffling a 74-card Tarot deck. Using her intuition, she pulls a random card, then reads the description from the associated book. These readings are based upon those descriptions.