Campus Programming and Relations Trivia Night

Last week Wednesday, Campus Program and Relations (CPR) hosted Disney Trivia in the Markee Pioneer Student Center. The event started at 7 p.m. and lasted around an hour and a half.
The trivia was hosted by Bob of the Fun-and-Games Company with questions ranging from topics of Disney sidekicks to famous Disney theme songs.
The crowd enthusiastically answered the questions after each round. The music was a lively mix of Disney tunes and pop songs, which everyone seemed to enjoy.
At one point, well after a song had stopped, the crowd continued to sing compelling Bob to thank the Platteville choir.
“It was a fun atmosphere to be in. I’ll definitely go to the next trivia night!” said junior education major Griffin Koester.
“First Time, best time. I’ll definitely go again,” said secondary English education major Anna Greenhalgh when asked about her experience.
I also got the chance to catch up with one of the hosts of the event, Alli Locy, a double major in Spanish education and English education.
“It was a great turn out. We had about 50 teams, which is a great turn out,” Locy said.
CPR’s next event is a free spooky movie night this Friday the 13 at 8 p.m. in Nohr gallery.