Letter to the Editor: Brandon Snyder

Elizabeth Kaiser graphic
Hello colleagues! I write this letter to the editor in order to inform all of us about this upcoming All-Campus Election. I come before you as a student wanting not only to provide necessary advocacy for all student voices, but to legitimize our voice in every form on and off campus. Therefore, I, Brandon Snyder, am running for UW-Platteville’s Student Body President.
The main reason why I am deciding to run is to ensure college students are getting the undergraduate education experience they paid for; furthermore, I want to increase our engagement with each other during these tumultuous times. No one should feel like their voice is not being heard. I am going to stand up for the students. This position is devoted to that.
Some of us may scowl when the phrase “campus politics” is brought up; this happens whenever students feel like they are affected by decisions made at higher levels than them. I do not want it to be this way. I am going to set the example. Professionalism and maturity, with student concerns, will be brought to all levels of our campus administration in order to legitimize our voice.
As a first-generation student from a rural town, I understand how hard it can be to succeed, especially during these times of COVID-19, but we must look at the positive side of our future. This upcoming fall semester, our campus plans to go completely in-person for the delivery of courses. I believe if every Pioneer student, faculty and staff member do their part, our campus will allow us to go back to “normal.” This normal will obviously be different, and we will learn to adapt to it quickly; however, the disparities or troubles the new normal may bring are another reason why I decided to run.
If you vote for the Snyder/Piotrowski ticket, you will have a Student Body President living on campus, someone who is approachable and compassionate, someone who is determined to get the job done and someone who has the experience of a Student Senator, Academic Senior Senator, Parliamentarian and Executive Board Director.
I am asking for your vote not for personal gain, folks, but for the highest benefit of the student body of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
Do not forget! The dates to vote in the All-Campus Election are April 13 to April 14 until 12 p.m. on PioneerLink. Please feel free to contact me ([email protected]) or my running mate, Daniel Piotrowski ([email protected]), with questions, comments or concerns!
Thank you!
Brandon Snyder