Exponent Changes Name To Logarithm

New advisorship brings campus newspaper in direction of T.V. sitcoms

With new advisorship to the local student newspaper, The Exponent, comes a new, refurbished title: The Logarithm.
The advisor, Grand News! (exclamation point, as he stressed, is a part of his name), revealed the name in one of the new weekly editions.
In an interview, News! spoke on the title change: “I wanted to bring the organization in a new direction. The name came to me in a dream late one night, spoken to me by the late John Kennedy in his sweet Bay State accent.”
News! continued to speak about the name, saying that “the name is symbolic for our metamorphisis as a newspaper. We are trying radical things this semester, like drafting our copies on paper instead of stone tablets and printing with printers instead of with beetle ink.”
Atop the changes to the physical process of the newspaper, News! has also decided to replace the entire staff of The Logarithm with an array of Texas Insturments calculators.
News! has also reloacted The Logarithm office to one of the electrical rooms located in Ottensman Hall but refused to disclose which one.
News! made one more final comment before vanishing in thin air: “New things are inbound for The Logarithm… Great, Great News!”